Kristine Brooks Designs

Kristine Brooks Designs

About My Shirts


I have always believed a woman's beauty is at her most effortless moment.  Dressing with the thought process of "keeping it simple"  will project your own inner vitality to the world.

For me, dressing in jeans, a t shirt, maybe an on trend heal, blazer, or depending on the occasion maybe even a baseball cap is a naturally sexy simple look.  The pairing options are endless!

This flattering and luxurious t shirt design is the perfect choice to add that confident, edgy piece of you to any outfit.

With a portion of the proceeds being donated to Type 1 Diabetes research in the name of my daughter Grace this t shirt is not only a great addition to your wardrobe, but a small gift to a growing global cause for Type 1 Diabetes research.

My first three shirts are Love, Peace and Karma!  These are all "simple" but meaningful feel good designs.

I hope you enjoy them!

Always remember... to enjoy the gift of an ordinary day.

